Born to hand-jive, Baby.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm in a bad loop

As you can tell by the time-stamp on this post, I'm at work as I write this. This week I have to finish an article, prepare for a class I'm teaching on Thursday, and put together a presentation for a conference on Sunday. So what the hell am I doing blogging?!

I am procrastinating. And I am making myself nutso. This is not good behavior.

And I know that the only people who are reading this blog don't have a problem with this behavior and will in fact encourage me to continue. But I am stressing myself out here! So please, friends, how about a little tough love?


Sylow_P said...

C. Soldering

A. Packing

D. Slacking

B. Snacking

Something tells me you have plenty of experience surviving situations just like this. If it turns out that I'm wrong, and you don't survive you and Sparky can live in our basement, panhandle on state street, and use my library's public terminals to blogg to your heart's content.

sparklestone said...

One order of tough love, comin' up!

Get to work you friggin' pinko, hippy, slacker, drain on society! People are counting on you! Don't let them down! Don't let me down! Don't let yourself down!

How's that? Are you buying it?

Miss Kate said...

DAMN. Sylow just said I could use his public terminals in his library for blogging. Isn't that illegal?? You must love me!

But that's not tough love! That's indulgent love!

SparkleBaby, that was a good little bit of role-play for ya. I wonder what'll you do if I keep slackin? See, I'm not working now, so whatcha got?

Sylow_P said...

Illegal? Not in Wisconsin, but if it were, I'd still let ya go right on and do it, 'cause, well ya I do love you.

Can you believe I misspelled Soldiering? Oh, well never mind then.

Sylow_P said...

I conferred with SB. She's very excited about the prospect of Miss Kate cooking for us when you two move into our basement.

Miss Kate said...

That sounds lovely, Sylow! However, you'll have to be sure to limit my computer time since I am having such a challenge controlling my blog-habits.