Born to hand-jive, Baby.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I'm finishing up my last week of a job that I thought I'd be at for at least 4 more years. Unexpectedly, I had an opportunity to apply for a job working for Sparky's sister. Although I expected to stay in my current job for years, I have always told my sister-in-law that I'd love to go work for her. When I said that, I didn't even really know what she did, I just knew that I would dig working for her. She's got workaholic tendencies like me, she's a superstar, and she still knows how to have a good time. In short, she's a good role model for me in my work life.

So one day about 2 months ago, Sparkle picked me up at the metro station, as usual, and when I got in the car, he said, "Now just listen, this could be good. Nils has a job open and I think you'd rock at it." He had already gotten Nils to send me the job description so I could take a look and think it over before he even told me about the thing. Now get this: Nils works in a completely different field than librarianship. True, she works in health care the same way I've been working in health care -- working in the field without actually having much to do with sick people. But I've never done the kind of work that Nils does; I don't even know the language she speaks at work.

The short story is that I competed and got the job and I start on Monday. I have loads to learn -- LOADS. I'm leaving a career that I started about 7 years ago (it's what I got my master's degree to do) and a field where I'm on top of my game and I know how to win. I'm going to a new world where, like I said, I don't even know the language.

When I was in high-school, my aunt-mother (see previous posts about my good family vs. my birth family) put me to work for her. She paid me real money for my work and when work was over, I got to hang out and play. Working for a-m has been, by far, the best work I've had. Working for family is right -- the work part has a completely different kind of accountability and rewards than working for strangers. The real life part is even better -- I'll get to know what's going on with my nieces, my family, I'll get to develop a deeper relationship with Nils. I'll also get to commute with Sparklestone.

So yeah, I've got a lot of changes going on and it's all good. My only question is: should I wear my hair curly or not curly?


mary bishop said...

I just know you will be speaking the argot within a few days -- that stuff is easy to learn, but being bright and inquisitive and not afriad to try out a new venture is very hard to learn and you Miss Kate, have all that knocked.

Wishing you the best on your new job - remember you haven't lost what you know now, but will just be adding another marketable area to what you've accomplished already.

sparklestone said...

I think you are hot with straight hair AND curly hair. I think you are ready for a change but it's hard because you KNOW you are hot now. But I'm hear to tell you that you can do it if you want. Cuz you're hot.

mary bishop said...

Re hair: do the do that is the easiest so you won't have to fuss about it and can keep focused on your new opportunity.

Your guy loves you both ways..oh no! - will this bring the bad searchers to our lovely Miss Kate's blog? Hope not...but I do have a rep...

Miss Kate said...

Wow, I just got mb'd.
Now I'm a bonafide member of the club. Yikes.

Sylow_P said...

I think Miss Kate has forgotten her boolean algebra already. Sparky clearly said he likes "straight hair AND curly hair."

I've never seen you with the half and half look, but I'm hoping it's front and back rather than split down the middle.

sparklestone said...

My wife has some seriously hot booleans as well.

sparklestone said...

...and she knows how to operate them!

Miss Kate said...

And really, Sylow, how can an instruction librarian forget her boolean? That stuff is my bread and butter!

Or was, in about 72 hours...

Scott said...

Besides - in boolean algebra, as long as it's not an XOR (exclusive OR), you can have both a true and false and still validate the expression.
Yes, I am a computer geek.

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sparklestone said...

I am confused by the whole hair dryer thing. She spends a lot of time with the hair dryer now. Will it be more with straight hair?

Miss Kate said...

Hey RB, xoxoxox.

the deal with my hair that curly or straight, it's gonna be the same amount of time. I'll have to wash and fix it every couple or three days and the other days, I'll just put it up like I do now. It's really only a question of how's it look.

Because, as you evidence, RB, it's not just about why you do, but it's about your style while you're doin' it.

Unknown said...

Hey, mb sent me!

I vote for curly.

It is when we come out of our comfort zone and try something new and scary that we grow and learn the most. You are doing a good thing.

Good luck and kick ass!