Born to hand-jive, Baby.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

listening to myself

Yesterday I took some bad professional advice and I regret it now. Nothing terrible happened, but I made a valuable employee feel slightly less valued because I didn't trust my instincts. It was a silly situation and it's all smoothed over now with no loss of property, but I really wish I could erase about 5 minutes of yesterday.

At first I was irritated with the person who gave me that advice -- that person was minding my business. But I'm the one who took the advice and acted, so I'm irritated with myself. I'll forgive myself and move on -- my employee has forgiven me -- but I have to record my blunder so I'll be sure to learn my lesson. Sometimes I'm just a dunce.

Now I've got that 311 song in my head. I'm gonna have to buy it and put it on my iPod... that'll make me feel better!


sparklestone said...

Boy do I have no idea what you are talkin' about.

I know I am drinking an iced espresso that you made for me this morning.

And it's tasty.

You need me to kick anybody's butt? Just point me in the right direction. I am a butt kicking machine.

Sylow_P said...

Don't you mean a butt kissing machine? Cause you're getting pretty slobbery with the iced tea stuff.

I had a similar experience this week Miss Kate, only I was the bone crusher giving (and acting on) the adice.

sparklestone said...

I don't mean to be slobbery. It's just that I wuvvy wuv wuv that lady.